Third-party support

All configuration is done by default in the source/_data /yun.yml file.

The difference from the additional packagfe support, here is mainly to use the service implementation provided by third-party service providers.


  • enable: enabled by default (representing the overall comment block, you must keep it enabled when you enable any type of comment system)
  • tips: Tips above the comment, you can use the form of an array to modify it to anything (if you don't want to display it, you can leave it blank)
  • -candidates: Candidate comment system, not enabled by default. After configuration, multiple comment systems can be switched, and the default first is the comment system displayed by default. (You must ensure that the enable of comment system in candidates is true.)
  enable: true
    - If you want to get a reminder to reply in time, it is recommended to jump to the GitHub Issues comment.
    - If there is no issue of this article, you can create a new one using the Comment template.

Regarding the comment system, I have briefly made some comparisons, hoping to serve as a reference.

My View on the Third Party Comment System

GitHub Issue

It also has a built-in link button for redirecting related issues and instructions on how to use GitHub Issue to comment. It can be turned on or off by itself.

  enable: true
  username: YunYouJun
  filters: is:issue

Set up a Comment template for GitHub Issues in the project Settings -> Options -> Features -> Issues -> Set up templates. The first person to create a comment can create an Issue based on this template.

You can also refer to my

GitHub Discussions

Quickstart for GitHub Discussions

  enable: true
  username: YunYouJun


Disqus can be said to be the most popular third-party comment system in the world, but its shortcomings in China are also obvious, requiring scientific Internet access.

  • shortname: change to your username
  • count: Whether to enable comment counting (the number of comments that will be displayed in the article)
  enable: true
  shortname: yunyoujun
  count: false


Pure front-end, ultra-lightweight "Comment Basic Mode" implementation: Use Disqus API to render comment lists

Compared with the natively integrated Disqus, the pain point to solve is that where scientific Internet access is required, a basic comment list can be rendered through the Disqus API. Let users who can't get online scientifically see comments directly.

Of course, to really comment, you still need to go online scientifically.

  enable: false
  shortname: yunyoujun
  # siteName:
  # identifier:
  # url:
  # title:
  # api:
  # apikey:
  # nesting: 4
  # nocomment:
  # admin:
  # adminLabel:


A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues. Use GitHub issues for blog comments, wiki pages and more!

More convenient, less authority. (You do not need gitalk.)

  enable: false
  repo: owner/repo
  issue-term: pathname
  # label: comment
  theme: github-light


Refer to Valine official document for configuration. The language defaults to follow Hexo's language setting.

That is _config.yml in the root directory of Hexo. (Note that it is different from the theme's _config.yml)

language: zh-CN

In fact, you only need to refer to the page below to get the appId and appKey required for configuration. (No need to install, the theme uses CDN by default. The template is also built-in.)

Quick Start-Get APP ID and APP Key

  • visitor: Article reading statistics (please do not enable it at the same time with 不蒜子)

More configuration items is written in yun.yml.

  enable: false
  appId: # your leancloud application appid
  appKey: # your leancloud application appkey
  placeholder: Just go go # comment box placeholder
  avatar: # gravatar style
  meta: -nick
  pageSize: 10 # pagination size
  # lang: zh-CN
  # visitor: false
  # highlight: true
  # recordIP: false
  # serverURLs:
  # Emoji See:
  # emojiCDN: //
  # emojiMaps:
  # tv_doge: 6ea59c827c414b4a2955fe79e0f6fd3dcd515e24.png
  # more...
  # enableQQ: false
  # requiredFields:

For Valine's extensions and enhancements, please refer to Valine-Admin, you can send email reminders to specific comments.

pjax: How do I use it on a page with pjax-Issue #138


A simple comment system with backend support fork from Valine.

  enable: true
  serverURL: #
  # visitor: true

serverURL is your deployed server url.

Quick start and more details, please see Waline Docs.


A simple and minimalist comment system.

  enable: false
  md: true
  # More options Continue to fill in the YML format (except for the [el] option)
  # List options such as emoticonUrl  see:
  # Here is an example:
  backend: waline


LiveRe 来比力 is a comment system from South Korea that supports multiple SNS account connections (QQ, WeChat, GitHub, Baidu, Weibo, Douban, Twitter, etc.). The advantage is that no need to go online scientifically. (I don’t know why, but it’s not warm.)

Note: After trying repeatedly, I found that it is not compatible with PJAX. Although it is indeed possible to display different comments in different articles, for some reason, the article link in the background notification still comes from the same article.

  • uid: data-uid field in the installation code
  enable: true


A comments system powered by GitHub Discussions. Let visitors leave comments and reactions on your website via GitHub! Heavily inspired by utterances.


  enable: false
  mapping: pathname
  reactions-enabled: 1
  emit-metadata: 0
  theme: light

Jump search engine to search your website content

You can search by site: what you want to search

🌰: 云游君

  • enable: enable the search engine (because the other two types of search require additional configuration, the engine search is enabled by default)
  • href: search engine prefix
  • domain: the domain name of your website
  enable: true
  href: ""

You need to install hexo-generator-search first, and refer to the configuration document.

This theme is implemented using native JavaScript, without jQuery dependency.

The format only supports XML


Before enabling it, remember to turn off the default engine search.

  enable: false
# search
  enable: true
  src: /js/search/local-search.js

If you find that the local is normal, click the search button after deployment but it will jump to the bottom of the page, it may be simply a cache problem.


Algolia is a third-party search service provider. (For more information, please check the official website, or please search the engine.)

You need to install hexo-algolia or hexo-algoliasearch first The documentation configures accordingly.

Turn it on again.

  enable: true
  src: /js/search/algolia-search.js
    per_page: 10 # the number of search results per page

Analysis Statistics

Google Analytics

Go to Google Analytics to get your ID. (Science Online)

  • enable: whether to enable
  enable: true
  // Note : Google Analytics abandoned the measurement ID of "UA-XXXXXXXXX-X" and used the measurement ID of "G-XXXXXXXXXX". You can fill in the new measurement ID directly in the "id:" item, which will not affect the analysis .


No garlic is a light and minimal website counter.

Go to 不蒜子 to view related information.

Instructions for use:

Please do not enable it at the same time as [Valine] (# valine) 's visitor.

  • site_uv: Whether to display the unique visitor of the site user (_icon is the corresponding icon, the same applies below)
  • site_pv: whether to display site page views Page View
  • page_pv: whether to display page views of article pages
  enable: false
  site_uv: true
  site_uv_icon: icon-user-line
  site_pv: true
  site_pv_icon: icon-eye-line
  page_pv: true
  page_pv_icon: icon-eye-line

LeanCloud Visitors

Show number of visitors of each article.

You can visit to get AppID and AppKey.

  enable: false
  app_id: # <your app id>
  app_key: # <your app key>
  # Required for apps from CN region
  server_url: # <your server url>


Google Advertising

Go to Google Adsense to get your client id.

  enable: false
  client: ca-pub-2245427233262012


Google Search Console

This topic does not add configuration options to the verification site for other topics like next.

The reasons are as follows:

Google provides five authentication methods for users.

  • Domain name provider: add TXT resolution of DNS. (This may be the most troublesome (in fact, it is not troublesome), but it is also the one that has the least impact on the site itself.) It is also the method I used before.
  • HTML file: Upload the HTML file to your website. (You only need to download and copy it to the source folder in the Hexo working directory. Set skip_render, see below.) Is also one of the recommended ways.
  • HTML tags: Add meta tags to the homepage of your website. This is also the method used by most themes to implement site verification through configuration, but I do not recommend this approach, so it is not built into it.
    • The reason why I did not add this method is because this meta part of the information is only useful for verifying the Google site, and it is completely redundant for users.
    • While Hexo is a static site generator, this method of verification means that all static file headers throughout the site will carry this information.
    • For example, more than one hundred articles plus pagination and tab pages, etc., is equivalent to adding hundreds of lines of code out of thin air. Although its impact is minimal, it is completely unnecessary for users and webmasters.
  • Google Analytics: If you have applied for and used Google Analytics, all you have to do is click a verification button. (Best way)
  • Google Tag Manager: Use your Google Tag Manager account

If you do n’t use Google Analytics, Domain name provider and HTML file are probably the best. It does n’t require intrusive changes to the theme, nor does it increase the static file size too much.


Note that the files provided by Google are now html files, which are placed directly under the source folder and will be compiled by Hexo. So you also need to find the skip_render selection in the site configuration file _config.yml and add a file for skip rendering.


  - googlexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.html

Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a Tag Management System (TMS) that can help you quickly and easily update the tracking code and related code segments (collectively referred to as "codes") on your website or mobile application. After adding a small piece of Tag Manager code to your project, you can safely and easily deploy Google Analytics and measurement code configuration through the web interface.

If you really need to use it, then you will naturally understand what it does.

  enable: true